Fuelling our addiction
Published in The Times of Malta 09.04.18
Published in The Times of Malta 09.04.18
Published in the Times of Malta (02.04.18)
"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
-George Orwell
Published in The Times of Malta (26.02.18) - appologies to Macbeth
Published in The Times of Malta (19.02.18)
“A constitution should be short and obscure” – Napoleon Bonaparte
Published in TheShiftNews.com
To the doctors, thank you for striking and smiling, specifically for smiling. Instead of applauding their service to the Maltese people, and their ability to keep smiling in adverse working conditions, surrounded by human grief and illness - Labour Government MP, and O.P.M. desker, Glenn Beddingfield mocks them. He ridicules them for their smile.